Where are we

Geographical and climatic situation

Villa Koukounaries is located on the island of Aegina, which is located south of Piraeus in the Saronic Gulf. The island is a sort of triangle with the base facing north towards Piraeus and the top of the triangle towards the south of the Peloponnese and the Aegean sea. The property of Villa Koukounaries is located on the southern tip of the island triangle, facing south and looking towards Hydra and the Aegean sea.



The place where the property is located is called Kleidi (the keys), a place that has the hilly village of Sfentouri behind and the picturesque village of Perdika to the north-west and then the endless blue of the Aegean.


The island of Aegina

The island of Aegina lives with good humor of its many attractions. The sky and the light of Attica, the sun always at the rendez-vous and the omnipresent sea, and of course the beaches, the taverns, the cafes. The port offers its beautiful neoclassical facades, its crowded terraces and its family life in which everyone calls everyone. The atmosphere is one of happy prosperity in which everyone can express the shared feeling of how good it is to live there. Aegina is a very lively center of Greek society, and since Kazantzakis wrote Zorba the Greek there, it is the favorite place of artists and intellectuals, who happily mix with the local population.